Public money needs to be spent wisely, and with accountability
Maintained schools and academies have a duty to get the best value for money from every contract. We’ll help you make sure you’re buying the right services in the right way and complying with the law.
We manage a comprehensive range of procurement processes, including low-value RFPs (request for proposal), pre-tender benchmarking exercises, and compliant open and restricted tenders across multiple services and categories.
We also support clients using the established and successful ESPO Catering and Cleaning Frameworks via 704C ‘Procurement and Contract Management Support’.
Cloud-based procurement
Our bespoke, cloud-based tendering platform is hosted by In-Tend, a market leading e-procurement platform.
Our methodology is designed to achieve specific school objectives and deliver best value with high service standards throughout the entire life of the contract.
We can also tailor our procurement support to your school’s needs; offering advisory support if you want to run your own process, including supplying documentation and giving access to In-Tend, through to a fully managed service working as an expert within your team.
Contract Performance Management
Monitoring client services termly or annually keeps service levels high and contractors focused on high quality service and financial delivery.
Working as a critical friend we are objective, balanced and supportive in ensuring tender promises are delivered and SLA or KPI objectives are consistently achieved.